Thursday 25 August 2016


Every body wants to be fit and smart. In today's life, it become difficult for every one to get some  spare time and go for running and gym.
By keeping this in view, Fitness FC brings the natural remedy of it.
This is the drink called as DETOX water which is made by three simple and easily available ingredients
All you have to take one cucumber, one lemon and some mint leaves/ see the video for complete recipe.
This drink will remove all the detoxification from your stomach and help you to lose weight. By taking it twice a day regularly, You can lose up to 10 kg in a month.

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Every body who is fat in this planet, want to lose the fats as quickly as possible. for this reason they have tried a lot of things like they go to gym, do different exercises, hire trainers and follow different diet plans.
The most important thing in losing weight is that what you are eating. For example if you are training very hard but your diet is so bad, so there will be no result.
Diet is the most important factor in losing and gaining weight. By following proper diet plan, those who want to lose weight they can lose and those who want to gain some they can.

In the following video, we are going to show you that which foods help you in losing the weight. By using these foods you can LOSE UP TO 10 KG in THREE WEEKS

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How to grow the muscles?

To grow the muscles you must select the best food to eat. As you guys know that its 70/30 ratio. Means in making the body, 70 percent you requir food and 30 percent you require exercise.
To get in the best shape you must follow the diet plan regular and also you want to know that what is required to eat?

Fitness FC always bring the best stuff for the people. In this video you will see that what are the basic foods you have to eat to get good muscle mass.

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Saturday 20 August 2016

A great source of protein

Protein is the basic needs for the muscle building and egg whites are the cheapest source of protein. by separating egg white from egg you can abstract protein and can gain big mass.
A big problem  occurs when people trying to separate egg white from yolk because while doing this so part of yolk also went to the white side.

There are different ways to separate egg white from yolk from which separating white with empty bottle is most famous and easy one. By which you can easily separate egg white from yolk.
Initially a beginner body builder has to take egg whites of 4 to 6 eggs so that they can fulfill their need of daily protein intake.

In this Video you can find the way by which you can easily separate the egg white from yolk

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A living Legend
7x Mr. Olympia

Arnold is great bodybuilder ever in the history of professional body building and won the Mr. Olympia title for the record 7 times. He is self motivated and motivation for rest of the body building world.
The techniques he uses was far more good from the others so that he can be the best body builder ever.

Date of Birth 30th July, 1947
Height 6 ft 2 in
Weight 230 - 360 lb
7x Mr. Olympia (1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1980)

Here is the video of Him for the sake of motivation

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A 4x Mr. Olympia

Jay Cutler is former Mr. Olympia. He has gained this title for the FOUR times. Every time he build bigger and bigger so that he has achieved his goals every time he entered the arena. He is now going to compete in the upcoming Mr. Olympia with having huge muscles mass on him.

He is born on 3rd August 1973
Height 5 ft 9 in
Weight 275 - 310 lb

$x Mr. Olympia (2006, 2007, 2009, 2010)

Here is the backstage video of this monster

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Motivation is the basic need to get the desired results. without motivation u cannot achieve anything big in the life. To become a successful body builder you guys must need a full motivation so that u can gain what you work for.
Motivational video helps you to get some motivation about achieving the desired goals in life. So that we are going to publish the video with motivational stuff so that u can be a good bodybuilder in your life.

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